Pre-Owned Vehicles for Sale at Volvo Cars Lakeridge in Ajax

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* Price shown excludes government taxes and licensing/registration fees. Mileage listings are estimates and may not accurately reflect current odometer reading. While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages. Prices, payments and rates are subject to change without notice, please verify all information and pricing with a sales representative or ask online.

Pre-Owned Volvo Vehicles in Ajax

Volvo Cars Lakeridge promises unmatched service and an elite buying experience for both new and pre-owned vehicles. We are, without a doubt, the place to go for the purchase of your next set of wheels.

At Volvo Cars Lakeridge, we do everything in our power to make sure the pre-owned Volvo vehicle you buy from us is dependable and safe. Our pre-owned inventory is replete with cars and SUVs that will deliver all the performance and value you’d expect from a Volvo product. Whether you opt for a new Volvo product or another vehicle from our inventory, you are a valued customer. We understand that trust must be earned and we will do everything we can to earn it.

As we strive to develop long-term relationships with our customers, we must make sure that every department offers the best products, experience, and representatives. We also make a point to guide you towards the right car and remove all the guesswork from the transaction process.

Whether you are considering a pre-owned car from Volvo or another brand, you'll find everything you need at Volvo Cars Lakeridge for the right price.

Pre-Owned Vehicles at Volvo Cars Lakeridge: Accessible Quality and Luxury

At Volvo Cars Lakeridge, we take great care in selecting our pre-owned vehicles. We work diligently to find the best pre-owned Volvo cars and SUVs to ensure quality and durability. At Volvo Cars Lakeridge, you can buy with confidence.

Buying a pre-owned Volvo vehicle or a vehicle from another make does not imply cutting back on quality. You can expect top-notch service while we work to get you the best deals. Come in today and check out our impressive special offers. We promise you won’t be disappointed.

No matter which pre-owned vehicle you select, you will get access to flexible financing offers that make it easier to find the vehicle of your dreams within your budget. With low interest rates, helpful terms, and different solutions for a variety of needs, we will do everything we can to get you into your dream car.

Certified Pre-Owned Volvo Vehicles

Buying a luxury Volvo pre-owned vehicle at Volvo Cars Lakeridge will not only be a worry-free transaction but also an investment you won’t regret.

All of our certified pre-owned Volvo vehicles must pass an all-inclusive 130-point inspection by our factory-trained technicians. These vehicles must operate as new. This is why every mechanical item, whether that’s the suspension or any part of the driveline, is rigorously tested and inspected. If a component fails, the vehicle will not be certified until it is repaired.

Of the many advantages included with the Certified Pre-Owned Volvo Program is the ability to purchase a comprehensive extended warranty coverage of up to four years or 80,000 kilometres beyond any remaining new vehicle limited warranty. The standard powertrain warranty is extended to six years or 160,000 kilometres from the original in-service date.

Book an appointment online, reach out to us, or visit us to learn more about our Certified Pre-Owned Program and the latest pre-owned models to arrive in stock. We look forward to meeting you at Volvo Cars Lakeridge.